Thursday, April 5, 2012


'Turnkey' is an American expression meaning a place is ready for occupation. So all you have to do is turn the key and walk in. Sure, you'll have to unpack your own boxes, but that's about it.

Fox Corner is pretty much the opposite of turnkey. This is the scene that greeted us when we took possession of the keys and our lease on Monday morning:
A man wiring the alarm and the builders' gubbins piled up in the kitchen
Fortunately our estate agent leapt into action and an emergency deep clean was ordered. Emergency seems a little like overstatement, but it did need doing, and fast. We moved the building materials into the shed, and a new oven was installed on Tuesday.

That only left us with window locks to fit, a towel rail to hang and several light fittings to update. Once the landlady removes her sofa and dining table (currently clogging up our dining room), and we get cable set up in mid April, we will finally feel at home. Only what, 2 and a half months after we left our last home...

If this sounds a bit miserable, it's really not. On Day Two we cooked a proper dinner. On Day Three our new sofa and TV arrived. Our clothes are all unpacked and hanging. As soon as those basics were in place, to be honest, I was pretty happy. The rest is just 'snagging'.

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